19th December 2015

Here at Rainbow Pines we have for the most part seen a hot and dry Summer which is a normal set of weather patterns for this time of year. However in the past 2 weeks we have seen an early return to cooler and wetter conditions which has turned the grass green and helped to lift the rivers and creeks water levels somewhat.

A Brown caught by Flaviol of 2124 grams and 59cm was our January Fish of the Month (see below). and a Rainbow caught by Jim of 1634 grams and 56cm are worthy of a mention.

Bait fishing from the shore this year has been slow with trout catch results, this may be partly due to the difficulty many anglers are having in being able to source mudeyes which are a favourite bait for this time of year. This is not to say there are no fish being caught it is more that there have been less people about fishing from the shore.

Trolling has been very successful throughout the month of January. The split in fish caught from Rainbows to Browns is @ the 50/50 mark and the quality of fish has been excellent. Healthy Rainbows averaging 40cm in length have been about with some very nice Browns of @ 50 - 60cm are being caught.

Those using Leadcore or Downriggers (as you would expect) have been doing best but we have heard of some nice Rainbows being caught in shallow water very early of a morning with either flatlines or surface type lures.

As to what lures are best this is about as varying as are the number of fishing spots that are available on Eucumbene but Pinks and Reds are colours that you should try.

If you are after some yabbies over in Yen’s Bay at the moment there are plenty around, why not try your luck at catching a few.

Water temperature has not got too high this season which our fish like, on the surface it is mostly @ 19 degrees however some temps a little higher have been reported such as 20 or 21.

With the cooler Summer weather patterns we are seeing currently and the vast open spaces available to you on Lake Eucumbene now that school holidays are over now is the perfect time to come for a visit to catch a trout.

Hope to see you out on the water...Pete

'Limit your Kill...Don't Kill your Limit'

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